Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Confession #1: Overview

About one year ago, I saw a friend post on Facebook about a business called Ipsy. I had no clue what Ipsy was, so I clicked on the link to find out that it was a makeup subscription service. It was during Snowmageddon 2014, so I literally had nothing better to do than to watch countless YouTube videos of people "unboxing" their hot pink bubble mailers revealing their goodies.

In the end, I decided Ipsy deserved my $10 each month in return for a few surprises of products that would hopefully make me look presentable when I wore makeup. At the time, I was mildly interested in makeup, but I felt like I really had no clue what to do or how to use half of it, even though I have been wearing makeup since 7th grade. After receiving my first Ipsy Glam Bag, I was hooked. Hours upon hours of YouTube videos have now been watched showing me products that have raving reviews, cult followings, and some that just didn't hit the target.

So with this blog, I would like to highlight 10 of my personal favorite makeup brands. I will focus on their presence in social media and how they interact with their customers, but I will probably also add in favorite products, product reviews, and tutorials with the specific brands' products. With each post, I will include the website and social media websites for the brand.

--xoxo, Paige

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